Information for Authors

Short abstracts must be between 150 and 400 words and should not exceed one page.

External contributions can be a full article or an extended abstract, supported by your slides of presentation (including if you do a poster) - subject to acceptance of your short abstract.

Extended abstracts : 3 pages.

Full papers : 20 to 25 pages maximum.

The book of Proceedings will include the full articles or extended abstracts received by the deadline (July 29).

Please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to send a full paper or an extended abstract.

Posters must be printed in A0 format (ideally portrait).
One or two Powerpoint slides maximum are advised to support your 2-minutes poster presentation during the technical conference.

Important note

The Proceedings are CONFIDENTIAL to the sponsors of the RING Consortium under the terms of the Consortium Agreement, therefore RING does not provide the meeting papers to non-members.
Authors retain the copyright and the right to do what they deem relevant with their paper.



Please use the below templates for your abstracts and papers (the templates for posters & slides are only mandatory for the RING team but can be used as a support if you need):

Please email your .PDF,  .docx or .PPT or any question related to the layout of your documents to: 



 Important dates   


  • Short Abstracts submissions deadline* >> May 15

  • Registration opening >> June 24

  • Notifications for acceptation of abstracts >> June 24

  • Full papers and extended abstracts submissions deadline* >> July 29

  • Registration closing* >> August 19 at 2pm (CET)


    *Please note that no extensions can be granted for these deadlines.  





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